Ready To Think About Important Things?

Several weeks ago Josh, one of the guys from Simply Youth Ministries podcast, and his family (wife and kids) gave up TV and Xbox for 1 year! I wondered why this bold move by a guy my age that is really into his Xbox games and didn’t give any indications of having scruples against TV.… Continue reading Ready To Think About Important Things?

Wanna Work for NASA?

How many boys and girls think about being an astronaut? Maybe not as many in the last 10 years as have in the 10 years previous, but I think it would be fun. I know that when I taught Earth and Space science at Faith  Mennonite HS students would always think ‘floating in space’ would… Continue reading Wanna Work for NASA?

Ridiculous or un-Amazing…

Plants blogging…what is next? I ‘found’ this while reading about a technology article from the Reuters site. There was a link to a set of photos about technology gadgets and this was mentioned. The Asians come up with some of the greatest and weirdest things, this tops the list. But I am not sure if… Continue reading Ridiculous or un-Amazing…

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