Do short-term missions trips simply equal Christian tourism?

I forget where I saw/heard someone talking about how things are different when you in the field than when you are back home in Lancaster County, but it seems your worldview is different when you are ‘doing missions’ than when you are living at home.

There is a dichotomy that should not exist. What can be we do so that our life is not split, doing church – hanging with your friends, doing school – having a job, life at home – life with peer group. Is that dichotomy a sin?

I got this ad for youth workers and it prompted these thoughts. I would love to preview this package some time.

Do short-term missions trips simply equal Christian tourism?

If we were honest, many of us would admit that this is often true. It?s not what we want. We make plans for a life-changing trip, but it?s only a few weeks after the trip that we realize things are just back to normal.

from a product advertisement from a Christianity Today source.

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