How many boys and girls think about being an astronaut? Maybe not as many in the last 10 years as have in the 10 years previous, but I think it would be fun. I know that when I taught Earth and Space science at Faith Mennonite HS students would always think ‘floating in space’ would… Continue reading Wanna Work for NASA?
Category: Uncategorized
Ridiculous or un-Amazing…
Plants blogging…what is next? I ‘found’ this while reading about a technology article from the Reuters site. There was a link to a set of photos about technology gadgets and this was mentioned. The Asians come up with some of the greatest and weirdest things, this tops the list. But I am not sure if… Continue reading Ridiculous or un-Amazing…
Facebook Ads
Does the voting on Facebook ads do anything? I noticed that there is a thumbs up/down icons below each ad. When you click on a thumbs down you can select why you don’t like the ad. The first time I did it the ad was of an immodestly attired women. I voted down and reasoned… Continue reading Facebook Ads
Wordbook application
Testing out a facebook / wordpress connection app…