Elliot David was born around 11:30am today. He weighed in at 9lb 7oz and stretched to only 20.5 inches. Some people say babies are so cute…this part is and sometimes babies aren’t cute right away… but with a little help and time they are really cute… and soon he will be adorable, but that won’t… Continue reading Elliot David
A New Baby
Today at 11:30am we welcomed Elliot David to a new world. 20.5 inches, 9lb 7oz of pure butterball boy! Praise the Lord picture to come later
This afternoon I listened to a talk give by Sir Ken Robinson about education and it’s reform. He referenced an experiment, people are asked to list uses for a paper clip. Most people get 10-15, really smart people can get 200. Here’s the rules: one use per comment, list as many uses as you can.… Continue reading Paperclips
Rotting Food
Amazing video from the BBC of food rotting in time lapse. It’s gross, but educational in a weird sense. Without to many details about the maggots moving ‘large’ pieces of meat…watch