Getting ready to go back to school, after a long vacation, can feel like one of these kinds of days! Actually, I am looking forward to going back, it was a fun vacation, but lets get back to school and finish the second half as fast as the first. I think the year has been… Continue reading After the long vacation
Earthquake here?
Early this morning after we said goodbye to the last of the holiday family guests my wife and I were just heading for bed when the windows began to rattle. It was an earthquake! That is a snap shot of the seismograph data from Millersville University. It means the ground shook. Which means our windows… Continue reading Earthquake here?
Art and the Christian
At the guys? weekend Jordan used one session to talk about art, do we do it, do we hide from it, what do we do with beauty. God made it, wants us to enjoy it, should we make things that are beautiful. Keeping in mind that he had just helped us think through money and… Continue reading Art and the Christian
Guys’ Weekend
This past weekend was the FMH Jr&Sr guys weekend retreat. I started doing this event fours years ago and had three guys sign up. This year all but four guys from the two classes were able to come. A few probably would have come except they had work commitments. This year Jordan E. and I… Continue reading Guys’ Weekend