Zambian children’s choir
This past Sunday evening, driving to hear one children’s choir, Faith Mennonite Chorale, give their final program for this school year, I was listening to WITF fm. The show Snap Judgment featured a segment on human slavery, not the type we hear about so much right now. It was about the exploitation of children from… Continue reading Zambian children’s choir
Out of the mouth’s of babes
Sometime this past weekend some roving youth left their marks at the neighbors. Leave you interpretation of what you ‘hear’ them saying in the comments. I think there is a lot of truth behind the last comment. I wonder if the logo has anything to do with where they spend too much time. Have you… Continue reading Out of the mouth’s of babes
I have a dream, realized
Many years ago I had a dream to get goats. Why goats? I really can’t remember why or when. But…with many scoffs and laughs and a few encouragements, I plowed ahead. 2 summers ago I started building a fence. Last summer I started my herd, Dolly was purchased with Ben and Jerry, two white whethers… Continue reading I have a dream, realized