Xinhua – English More kids, teens exposed to online porn in U.S. 2007-02-05 16:00:04 BEIJING, Feb. 5 (Xinhuanet) — More kids and teenagers are being exposed to online pornography, according to a study by the University of New Hampshire published in the journal Pediatrics due out Monday. The researchers said 42 percent of netizens… Continue reading The Dangers of the internet.
Tag: Walk
This summer I was in charge of the summer children’s Bible school devotional time at our church. I spent an evening on different parts of the body corresponding to the song “Oh be careful little hands” When studying for the ears I came across a verse in Proverbs that I…I… am not sure what to… Continue reading Ears
Waiting on the perfect time
This weekend I found out some of very amazing news. One of my good friends just began dating, again. I say again and you might think why is that such good news? You see these two were dating three years ago and
“strength is made perfect in weakness”
Studying 1 Corinthians 12:1-10 I was challenged to think about how one’s weakest points are used to make their actvities productive. As I teach school there are things that I know are bad about my habits, I am a procrastinator and I don’t work far enough ahead.